Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

33 weeks- appt, tour, and dresser makeover!

Well, I was right on the money. I had guessed I'd gained another five pounds, and, sure enough, I did! The appointment was a quick one. Weight and blood pressure checked out fine, and I measured right at 32 cm. The midwife said I had a good looking belly, too! Always nice to hear, even if she says it to all of her patients :) I asked if Millie was still head down, and she felt around my belly and said she definitely was, but that day, instead of being on my right side, her back was curled into my left side. I think she must flip back and forth as much as I do when I sleep cause I feel her all over!

After the appointment, we had time before our hospital tour to pick up a dresser I had found on Craigslist. It's a pretty big piece, and there's no way we could have gotten it back home without the generosity of two good friends who let us borrow one of their vehicles! I'll get back to the dresser shortly... We also stopped at firehouse subs for a treat for Greg :)

I'm so glad we took the hospital tour. It took us a couple tries to get to the right parking garage, and I could see how it would be easy to get "lost" trying to make your way into the hospital. Of course, if you show up at a hospital with a woman in labor, they'll get you to where you need to go (this is what Greg kept telling me), but now we won't have to waste our time when the time comes. We met our group in a conference room and went over some of the basic info about guests, visiting hours, and other procedures at Vanderbilt before touring the units. I was surprised at how tiny the labor and delivery rooms were but excited to find out that they recently installed the second hydrotherapy tub. I'm hoping at least one of the tub rooms will be available when Millie comes a knockin'. They're also bigger than the standard rooms- bonus! I'm a little concerned about the sleeping accommodations for dads though since Greg sleeps in luxury on a tempurpedic mattress. Who knows, maybe he'll come home to sleep at some point during the stay. Right now, we're open to all possibilities and just plan on playing it by ear.

Okay, so this dresser. I'd been looking for something fairly wide so I could use the top as a changing table and still have room for baskets and other things we will use frequently. There have been a couple gorgeous dressers on craigslist that I absolutely loved (wide, white, somewhat distressed in spots, gorgeous woodwork, glass knobs), but they were about $400. So I decided to look for something less expensive that I could fix up myself, and I found this (photo taken after I had already removed the silvery knobs):
It's plenty wide and deep, has four smaller drawers, two longer bottom drawers, and a cabinet in the middle that has a removable shelf; it's perfect for a changing table, a dresser, and storage, too! The seller also threw in a big mirror, but we'll find another spot for that in the new house.

What I've done so far is remove the knobs, sand the dresser, and I've started priming it. Here is the sanded, rugged dresser, which actually looks kind of cool (Greg thought we should keep it this way):
Now, I need to finish priming it and decide what color to paint it! I had thought I wanted it white because Millie's crib is white and because of how much I loved the dressers I saw on craigslist, but I think it would be fun to add some color to Mills' room, too. Yellow? Might be too much since the dresser's pretty big. Dark blue? I thought about this because we have some paint leftover, and I think it could look good against what I think will be purpley gray walls. A lighter version of the wall color? It'd be a nice accent. Here are the paint swatches I've been considering for wall color:
I think I've narrowed it down to these though, with the top color on the left being the wall color and (if I decide to paint the dresser a lighter shade) the dresser color being one on the right.

I don't know what to pick though! I am probably going to cross yellow off the list and find other ways to incorporate it. So...white or a light gray/purple. Or even the darker blue color since we have it. Hmmm. I will definitely get pretty, clear knobs though- something like this:
I'll definitely update with photos as the project progresses :)

On Friday, we went out to lunch with some of Greg's math department colleagues. It was really nice just to go out to lunch, but they also got us our high chair and an awesome hat and mittens by smartwool (a brand my brothers got Greg hooked on, so we were pretty psyched). I put together the high chair, and I love it! Here's a photo of it from Target:
The legs can be removed, and the seat can be attached to a regular dining chair to save space or to make traveling with a high chair easier! It also reclines, so Millie will be able to sit in it earlier on! It's great!

Hmmm, what else. We we went to a baseball game Sunday in Chattanooga and saw a former UVA baseball player pitch for the Jackson Generals. It was extremely hot, we got a little sunburned, and we left early, but it was fun!
One last photo that I took last week:

I can't wait to show Millie how beautiful the world is :)


  1. So happy that the dresser fit in our car! :-) I love the wall color that you've picked out. And if you're going to go with one of the colors on the right, I'd do one of the top two.

    1. Thanks! if we don't go with white, I'm thinking the second color on the right :)

  2. Your last comment made me cry :) She is such a lucky girl to have you for a mom!!
