Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, May 28, 2012

32 weeks! bump and questionnaire


How far along? 32 weeks!!

Total weight gain? It's been a month since my last official weigh-in, but I will know for sure when I go to my next appointment on the 30th. My guess: +28 lbs, up another five from last time. Could be more since Mills  is doing a lot more growing herself these days... We'll see!

Maternity clothes? When I bother to put on "real" clothes, absolutely! I have a pair of maternity jeans, several maternity tops, and a few dresses now, too :) I also bought a couple of tank tops (non-maternity) in larger sizes than normal.

Stretch marks? so far, so good...

Sleep: I can only sleep on my sides, and when I'm on one side for too long, my hip starts hurting, so I continually toss and turn throughout the night! I think I could have it a lot worse though and only take naps once or twice a week.

Best moment this week: Hmmm, not too much has happened in the past week. Well, there's been a lot going on here but not so much with me! 
I didddd get a good deal on some practically brand new bumgenius cloth diapers and got to spend time with a good friend when I rode to Nashville with her for her second glucose test (she passed- yay!).
I also wrapped up Mills' "my first babydoll" that my mom got her and walked around the house with it like a real baby just to see how Bailey would react. She was super curious and happy but very gentle, giving the babydoll kisses and sniffing her all over. I think Bailey will loooove being a big sister ;)
One last thing: with the kids being gone for the summer and the dorm being empty, I can read in peace and do laundry whenever I feel like it! (so exciting, right!?)
Oh oh oh, can't believe I didn't think of this first. The truly best moment of the week was finding out we WILL be moving out of the dorm and into a house here! It may not be until right before Millie arrives, but we should be outta here and mostly settled into the new place :) woopwoop!

Miss Anything? With the warmer weather and recent outdoor activities, I've missed wine and beer! What's more summery than relaxing outside with a cold one? It's water for this girl, though, for another two months!

Movement: tons. Millie gets especially active soon after I eat and when I squish her while I try to sleep (sorry, Mills). I love seeing my belly bulging and trying to figure out which body part she's using to poke me this time.

Food cravings: Mexican! I'm meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow and am already drooling thinking about chips and salsa. And a taco salad. I've also had a few uncured turkey hot dogs recently- yum!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Greg waited until forever to grill my turkey dogs tonight, and the hunger made me feel sick. Other than that, nope!

Gender: wiggly baby girl

Labor Signs: just lots of Braxton Hicks!

Symptoms: harder to breathe, thirstier, easily fatigued

Belly Button in or out? way out :) Visible through my clothes

Wedding rings on or off? on and loose- no swelling here!

Happy or Moody most of the time: still happy. I don't think pregnancy makes me moody...although I have had a few tearful bouts when singing alone in the car...

Looking forward to: lots this month! Our appointment Wednesday, checking out a local pool (I am dying to get in/be near some water), going to Virginia for a wedding in a week and a half  (and stealing a quick visit with family), and going to a mountain cabin with Greg and his fam the weekend after that.

Here she is:

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