Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Catching up... 29 weeks (week of 5.7.12)

Well, it's been a few weeks! After getting back from Virginia, I tried working on a post, but the desktop is torturously slow, and the laptop hasn't been working since December...turns out it has a bad drive. School's out though, and the dorm is deserted, so I'm currently typing on the computer in the common area.

My trip to Virginia was great! The drive wasn't even as bad as I anticipated. Bolthouse Farm smoothies, heated seats, and good music is all it takes I guess :)  The beginning and end of my week in Virginia were the most fun, starting with lunch with friends, a fantastic baby shower, and a trip to my sister Katiebug's new apartment in Charlotte to get her things moved in, and ending in Katie's college graduation! Throughout the rest of the week, I still got to see my mom, sisters, nephews and brother-in-law plenty, eat lots of good food (I was on a chips and salsa/Mexican kick that week), and see baby Mills on ultrasound. I also did some sewing, making some diaper cloth inserts for some of the sweet, little gDiapers Mills got from my mom and sister, Boo. I slept terribly, though, while I was in Virginia, so I looked forward to getting back to Greg, Bailey, and my own bed in Tennessee.

I never got an official 29 week photo, but my mom took countless pictures throughout the week. Here are some of them (with and without my belly)!

Belly button entertainment!
 Fam at the baby shower (Boo, Henry, Luke, Mom, Lilly, me, Katie, and Ashley)
 Some friends at the baby shower
 Luke and Lilly
 Me at 29w5d
Millie at 29w5d (We could see her chest rise and fall as she practiced breathing! She also did some sneaky ninja moves, kicked her foot up by her face, and sucked at her fingers and cute!)
Katie, the college grad!

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