Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

28 weeks- diabetes appointment!

The morning of my glucose test, I had eggs for breakfast, trying to avoid sugars/carbs that could possibly mess with my test results. I got to my appointment, had my blood pressure (still good and low) and weight (up another 8 lbs for a grand total of 23 thus far!) checked, then drank the sugary drink. A nice little surprise (ha) was that I could choose between orange or fruit punch! I opted for fruit punch and drank it down pretty quickly (not that it was super tasty; I was just thirsty), then headed in to my little room so the midwife could measure my belly and listen to Mills' heartbeat. The night before, Greg had put his head on my belly and heard Millie's heart beating to the right of my belly button, in the exact same spot the midwife found it at my appointment. I guess the girl has her favorite snuggle spot :)

During my hour-long wait, I got extreeeeemely sleepy and was yawning non-stop. Finally, they called me back to take my blood, and I sat in the chair. I always request to lie down in case I feel woozy, but, for a minute, I considered giving sitting a chance. The other times I've had to had blood drawn (which I think is only twice ever), I was lying down and everything turned out fine, so I thought maybe I could just handle sitting up.Being so tired though, I was resting my head against the wall, and the nurse asked if I was alright and if I wanted to lie down. Good thing I took her up on it because I started feeling sick while she took my blood, and after she'd finished, I got really dizzy and the color drained from my sweat-beaded face. After approximately five miserable minutes and a juice box, the dizziness passed, but I still felt off the rest of the day.

The midwife thought that rather than my levels shooting through the roof, they bottomed out after the test, but I figured my body reacted the way it did just because I really hate needles, veins and blood.Who knows. I did call and get my results today, and I passed! Yay. The nurse told me the acceptable range was 65 to 135, and my score was 65. I guess being on the very low end may have contributed to my dizzy spell after all.

Before heading back to the Buckle, I ran some errands in Nashville including stopping at Babies R Us and ordering a few gDiapers (with money I got from re-selling-- and profiting-- on some cloth diapers I had purchased when I was just 6 weeks pregnant!) and getting a cute, comfy maternity dress from Target.

I'll be Virginia-bound on Friday! So, my next photo will include a change of scenery, but here is this week's photo, taken today at 28 weeks and 1 day:

12 more weeks to go!


  1. Ugh... I hated drinking it! I ate breakfast before I had mine drawn too. Glad you passed! And you're looking great! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks to celebrate :) Megan

  2. Glad that you passed! I'm weird - I actually LIKED drinking that drink. Perhaps it is my severe sweet tooth. :-) I have to do the test twice each pregnancy since my parents are diabetic, but I've always passed. I hope you have fun in VA!
