Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, April 23, 2012

Third trimester! The countdown begins...

I can't believe we're already two-thirds the way through Mills' incubation!...until I feel her moving around. Sheesh, this girl is getting bulky and hulky! She likes to stretch out across my stomach, head banging on one side and thrashing her legs on the other, all the while managing to punch me in the belly button. Really, she has made it pop out from moving before! It doesn't take much these days though, and usually, it sticks out a bit on its own. Soon, it'll be a full-fledged outtie without me having to do any work to pull it out (which I actually used to be able to do anyway-- belly buttons are weird).

Here is the 26 week photo taken April 16:
 And the week 27 photo that I just took:
~13 weeks to go!
In addition to next week's photo, I'm hoping to be able to say I passed my glucose test and haven't gained another 15 lbs just yet... :)

On another note, I had a great birthday! We celebrated by going to Chattanooga Saturday for lunch and an aquarium visit, not to mention a visit with Greg's mom! Then yesterday, I got to attend a baby shower for a friend at Webb who is having a little girl in June. So fun to see all the cute baby stuff! I'm looking forward to heading to Virginia late next week for a baby shower there with a few friends and family members! And I get to stay the whole week since my little sister will be graduating from college the following weekend (woopwoop!). Should be fun!

1 comment:

  1. You are nothing but if you did gain 15 pounds it was only replacing what you lost and her growth!!! You look beautiful! Can't wait to see you!
