Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

22 week appointment

Yesterday, I had my 22 week appointment. It was just a basic, routine appointment: weight, blood pressure, listen to baby's heartbeat. Blood pressure was the lowest it's ever been (90 over 52), and weight was highest it's ever been (I think I'll keep that number to myself ;))!

Here are this week's bump photos:

That's right: I've gained another five pounds- sheesh! I like to blame it on Mills being a chubby baby, but supposedly, she's just a single pounder right about now. Greg was shocked, though, when I compared Millie to a Subway footlong. I still don't think he believes she's already that long. 

Anyway, I'm fine with the weight gain but am starting to realize that it's time to get more active. Being pregnant and putting on weight is making me tired and sluggish, and I'd like to be in shape enough to deliver this baby in July. I've gone on occasional walks, but I guess that's not enough... More walking and less sitting around for me I suppose! Bailey and Greg will benefit from this change, too :)

Now, here are a few of the cute outfits I got at the sale in Marietta the other week:
 sweet summer outfits!
 cause every baby needs shoes, right? ;)
 Greg requested I look for Braves outfits, and he was very excited that I brought these home. He says Mills will be the coolest baby ever. She might look like a boy on game days, but that's alright :)

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