Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

20 weeks: baby name and questionnaire

Mills' rhyme:
Will she love sports or all things frilly?
Sure don't matter; we love our sweet Millie!

Millie Joan Imboden <3

Behind the name: Millie is a name Greg and I have both liked for years but not one I'd ever really thought about naming a kid until Greg decided he loved the name Mills. I didn't want our daughter's formal name to be Mills, so we had to think of a name that could have it as a nickname, and Millie popped back into our heads. On the way home from our ultrasound, we quickly decided that we liked Millie. Done. I told him I wanted to have my grandma's name in there, too, and bam! Millie Joan. Piece of cake. Greg liked the one syllable middle name and the cute, cool nickname Mills, so he was pretty excited. I wrote and signed her name, nickname, and initials that night and decided I wouldn't change my mind either, and we told our moms soon after.

Millie: (among other meanings found on the internet) gentle strength
Joan: God is gracious


How far along? 20 weeks

Total weight gain? well, at least 10 lbs as of Feb 23...

Maternity clothes? I've managed to get by with wearing belly bands over my the waists of my regular pants, but it's not comfy, so that won't be lasting much longer!

Stretch marks? no

Sleep: sleeping well and at decent hours: usually about 930p-630a when I sub and 1030p-830a otherwise. took a three hour the other day too-- always nice :)

Best moment this week: spending time with a lot of my family in Knoxville and announcing baby's name to everyone!

Miss Anything? energy!! I have zero, which doesn't quite suit the elementary school atmosphere

Movement: lots! I think after being told where she was at our ultrasound, her movements became a lot more obvious to me. I feel them throughout the day, and Greg and I have both been able to see my stomach move with Mills as she rolls around.

Food cravings: I don't really crave anything any more than I did when I wasn't pregnant. I've gone through pizza, Chinese chicken and broccoli, and now pbj phases though. And cereal is finally back on my list of staple foods after not consuming milk for two months!

Anything making you queasy or sick: cleaning out the fridge last week...old guacamole- ick!

Gender: she's a girl!

Labor Signs: four and a half more months, please.

Symptoms: exhaustion

Belly Button in or out? in

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: happy!

Looking forward to: heading to Marietta tomorrow, seeing some of Greg's fam, and hitting up a huge consignment sale of nice baby stuff! also, spring! i love this warmer weather

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