Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Found this questionnaire on another pregnancy blog:

How far along? 5 weeks, 1 day 

Total weight gain: not sure- probably none yet, but I don't have a scale!

Maternity clothes? still early for that, but most of my clothes are fairly loose fitting, so I'm stayin' comfy

Stretch marks? nuh uh

Sleep: I could sleep allllllll day. Needless to say, I'm sleeping well. I've noticed a few times in the past week, though, that when I wake up earlier than necessary in the morning, I feel like I can/should get up and start the day rather than fall back asleep. 

Best moment this week: Announcing our pregnancy to family! We've told everyone that we plan on telling right now (primarily our awesome parents and siblings), and everyone has been just as thrilled as we are. Other top moments include hubby's talk about names and parenthood.

Miss Anything? not too much- on Thanksgiving, I kind of wished I could have some wine or participate in Greg's beer sampling, but I got to make up for that with sparkling cider, cookies, and pie :)

Movement: I wish you could feel baby movement this early! Considering he/she is only the size of an appleseed and doesn't even have limb buds yet, I know we've got awhile.

Food cravings: mostly just food aversions, but one food I haven't been turned off by the thought of is cheese pizza w/ extra sauce
Anything making you queasy or sick: haven't really felt sick yet, but when Greg mentions something he wants to eat or makes a snack (today- Totino's pizza rolls), or even when I think of some foods I typically like (such as ice cream), I shudder and can't imagine eating any of it.

Gender: couple more months (at least) until we find out! I keep going back and forth on what I think. I had thought we would have a girl for our first kid, but when I found out I was pregnant, I immediately thought boy. Now, I think I'm back to girl! I know Greg would love to have a son, but I know he would adore a little girl, too. I voted girl on the poll; Greg hasn't voted yet.

Labor Signs: hoping not for another 8 months or so!

Symptoms: lower abdomen usually feels full, always sleepy, had a hint of heartburn today, constantly thirsty

Belly Button in or out? in for now! since I can pull it out anyway, I know it'll be bustin' out before too long on its own!
Wedding rings on or off? on. this is another one that I feel is irrelevant so early on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy!! :)  had a moment last Thurs or Fri when I almost cried because Greg told me that he hadn't toyed around with a baby name I knew he had. today, I've also been more irritable...unnecessarily loud noises piss me off (which they always have), and Greg likes the tv loud and to harass the officials during televised football games- ugh ;)
Looking forward to: Christmas!!! none of my family lives within 7 hours of us, so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. Our plans include heading to GA for a couple days to hang out with Greg's mom and grandparents and share the news with them (the gparents; Greg's mom knows of course), coming back up to Nashville for our very first doctor's appointment on the 20th (!!), driving to Lynchburg, Virginia to see ALL of my family and bestest friend (yay!), stopping by Charlottesville, Virginia to visit with Greg's aunt and uncle and get some Arch's frozen yogurt (can't wait!), and make our way back to Georgia to hang out with Greg's mom, sister, aunt, uncle, and cousins.

1 comment:

  1. It was the best moment of my week too, such a wonderful announcement, love the way you broke the news to me....saying you know I would be coming in July...and when I said "you do?" you told me why!!!! I was full of smiles in Borneo, for many reasons, but Baby Imboden was behind many of them!!!
