Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Hey, little baby, I know youre in there!

Even if you're only a fraction of an inch in size, haven't yet sprouted your baby limb buds, and won't be able to kick me hard enough for me to feel it for several more weeks, your presence is known, sweetpea! And you're already grounded. Jk, love youuuu.

This week started off fine, but since Friday, I've felt the imminence of morning sickness. I've only been border-line nauseous, but it's kept me from wanting to do much other than lie down. In fact, I'm posting this update on my cell phone from bed having just woken up from a long winter nap.

Here's the updated survey for the past week:

Scratch that. Will finish this tomorrow.

Here is the six week belly. No real, visible change yet even though I feel bigger already. Our pic in front of the chalkboard door will be late this week...

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