Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

An un-posted post on sleep

**I started this back in October and never finished. I've since addressed Mills' sleep in another post, but I think this information (especially where I bolded) is important for me to remember, too, so I'm posting it as is:

As Mills passed the two month mark and approaches three months, I have been working toward getting her on a better routine/schedule. I had read that you really can't spoil a newborn, and I told myself this repeatedly the first couple months as I cuddled and nursed her to sleep and held her when she didn't want to be alone in her crib to sleep. I still worried that she would become needy and dependent on me to sleep, and I didn't always "spoil" her. With our next baby, I can see myself trying to get into a routine and work on the baby's sleep independence early on, but if I feel like snuggling and rocking that baby to sleep, I absolutely will and will not feel guilty or worried about it. Time goes by way too fast and the newborn phase should be enjoyed as much as possible.

Well, at three months, babies are no longer considered newborns, and I don't want Millie to be totally dependent on me to be able to fall asleep. Over the past few weeks, I have been working on helping her get used to napping in her crib rather than on my chest and sleeping in her crib at night. Mills actually moved from our bedside bassinet to her own room when she was just a couple weeks old. I think I made that move mostly because Greg was starting back to work, and I thought he would unnecessarily lose sleep if she stayed in our room. However, next baby can stay in our room longer! I have read about the "fourth trimester" and feel bad that I didn't keep Mills closer to me longer. Of course, she is and will be fine, but when I think about being a brand new baby, used to being warm, snuggly, with a full belly, and comforted by the sounds of the womb, I feel bad that I didn't keep her closer.


  1. With Jameson, we definitely started earlier. But things were different. Alisha was in her crib from day one, whereas Jameson was in our room... you do what works for you and don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise. :-)

    1. thanks for the input! it'll be interesting to see how we handle things the second time around. think we've got a while though :)
