Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, February 17, 2012

Gender prediction fun

So, in just two days, we'll find out for sure whether baby 'Bodes is a boy or girl (assuming he cooperates, but we won't leave that office til we know!). We still think he's a boy (although Greg did recently bring up girl names), but, according to the poll, most everyone else thinks he's a girl...
Just for fun, I did the Chinese gender predictor online at babycenter, and it told me "congrats on the baby boy." However, the babe's heartbeat tends to be in the mid-150s per minute, which, according to the old wives tale, is a baby girl's heartrate. 50-50 shot afterall I spose ;)
Earlier in the pregnancy, I thought the baby'd be a girl, mostly because Greg talked so much about him being a boy, his name, and how he would not wear the traditional baby blue garb (boo, UNC!). I was super excited when I thought girl and am just as pumped thinking boy. I just can't wait to find out for sure!
Now for a bumpdate: on valentines day, for the first time, an old colleague/acquaintance noticed my belly and asked if I was pregnant, saying "You never had that before" and touching my stomach. It was actually kind of offensive, and she's lucky I am pregnant... otherwise, I mighta popped her one hehe. After she went on her way, I was happy though! I'm glad its noticeable to more than just me now.
Here are some pics: one doing my best to hold my belly in, one normal, and one pushing out its baby-bloated swollenness, which I think will be the "normal" photo in a week or two :)



  1. I'm voting boy! Can't wait to find out!! megan

  2. I love hearing what other people think! So fun. We can't wait either :)

  3. I think you're little nugget is a boy!!
