Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gender reveal!

Today at our appointment, we found out a few things:

1. I am up ten pounds! Although, I think I drank about two lbs worth of water right beforehand. Still, that's kind of amazing. Eight to ten pounds in just five weeks!
2. Our baby is approximately 9 oz. Itty bitty baby.
3. The baby likes to be curled up and snuggly. Even though there was visibly more room above its head, it stayed crouched at the bottom of my uterus with its feet by its head.

Okay, now, of course our baby is not an "it." Bailey wanted to share her excitement and the news and let everyone know how thrilled we are to be on team.......



We were so surprised and are super excited. Baby Imboden is a sweet, cute baby girl! We may have even picked a name already, but that is still a secret for now :). Will share new ultrasound pics soon!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Gender prediction fun

So, in just two days, we'll find out for sure whether baby 'Bodes is a boy or girl (assuming he cooperates, but we won't leave that office til we know!). We still think he's a boy (although Greg did recently bring up girl names), but, according to the poll, most everyone else thinks he's a girl...
Just for fun, I did the Chinese gender predictor online at babycenter, and it told me "congrats on the baby boy." However, the babe's heartbeat tends to be in the mid-150s per minute, which, according to the old wives tale, is a baby girl's heartrate. 50-50 shot afterall I spose ;)
Earlier in the pregnancy, I thought the baby'd be a girl, mostly because Greg talked so much about him being a boy, his name, and how he would not wear the traditional baby blue garb (boo, UNC!). I was super excited when I thought girl and am just as pumped thinking boy. I just can't wait to find out for sure!
Now for a bumpdate: on valentines day, for the first time, an old colleague/acquaintance noticed my belly and asked if I was pregnant, saying "You never had that before" and touching my stomach. It was actually kind of offensive, and she's lucky I am pregnant... otherwise, I mighta popped her one hehe. After she went on her way, I was happy though! I'm glad its noticeable to more than just me now.
Here are some pics: one doing my best to hold my belly in, one normal, and one pushing out its baby-bloated swollenness, which I think will be the "normal" photo in a week or two :)


Monday, February 13, 2012

A few baby gifts and a bumpdate

I've been meaning to do this for a while now, but with being sick/tired and recently starting subbing, I've put it off. We've gotten a few adorable gifts for baby Imboden (mostly Christmas gifts) and I wanted to share them. I can't wait to find out whether he's really a boy or she's actually a girl so we can really start getting baby supplies! In the meantime, below are a few of the cute things we've been given and a bump photo, too. Greg says I was sticking it out, but whatev, it's there :)


Thursday, February 2, 2012

The bump

Over the past few days, I have started to feel big and uncomfortable! I know my belly is nowhere near what it will be, but I already feel like I am accommodating it everytime I get up from sitting or lying down. I feel like a big ol' pregnant lady already.
You don't see much of a bump when I'm standing unless I really let my abs go, but this is the side view when I'm relaxed and lying on my back:

And standing: