Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Seven weeks later...

Just now, over the past week, have I started feeling better, but I'm soooo glad the time has finally come! And I'm hoping it lasts and I can keep feeling better and better.

Weeks nine to 12 were the most tough, accompanied by plenty of throwing up, while the other four weeks were *just* horribly sensitive sense of smell, nausea, minimal appetite, fatigue, etc.


How far along? 13+ weeks

Total weight gain? down a lb or two

Maternity clothes? all I wear is pj or yoga pants and t-shirts

Stretch marks? nuh uh

Sleep: I pretty much live in bed...except bathroom trips and occasional treks to the living room or kitchen. When all else fails, I take a nap. Recently, it's sometimes hard to get comfortable, so I've piled on some extra pillows, and Greg got me some ear plugs (because bailey is such a loud snorer), and it doesn't take me quite as long to fall asleep at night. I'm sure that not sleeping all day being more active would help the cause, too.

Best moment this week: our second appointment, during which we had an ultrasound and saw our more human-like baby! He/she has gotten much bigger over the past month, and it was neat to see more detail (fingers, spine, organs). I also announced on facebook- fun :)

Miss Anything? Feeling normal! I would love to wake up, feel like showering, eat whatever I wanted without feeling sluggish afterward, be able to clean, take care of myself, and even just be upright for me than two minutes at a time! I also miss being out of the classroom, but once I've got some energy back, I will start subbing and looking for interim positions again.

Movement: nope, but when I lie down, I do think I can feel the beginnings of a baby bump!

Food cravings: ramen noodles. And burger king cheeseburgers- although I haven't been able to satisfy that one but once (probably a good thing).

Anything making you queasy or sick: the dog licking herself (or me accidentally when I let her lick my dishes), slabs of meat,
including the shot of a whole, raw chicken on the Blue dog food commercials- ugh. And using the bathroom, brushing my teeth, and that damn carpet deodorizer smell in the living room.

Gender: thinking boy now. We'll find out in a month!

Labor Signs: six more months, please.

Symptoms: occasional nausea these days, headache, indigestion perhaps, fatigue exhaustion

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: I wouldn't (and don't thinkkkkk Greg would) say moody, but happy seems like a stretch since I've mostly felt horrible. Definitely more happy this past week than the previous six though!

Looking forward to: regaining strength, getting back to work, and our next appointment on Feb 23!

I had wanted to do weekly pictures, but it turns out that I didn't miss too much by not capturing
the past seven weeks. Here are two photos I just took. The second one shows a possible slight bump :)



  1. I am so glad you are beginning to feel better and hopefully you will continue improving each day, until you are feeling normal!!! Love you!

  2. You're going to look so cute with a baby bump (whenever one forms)! :-)
