Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Daily thoughts and activities

So, I've really made more effort to get up and get some things done over the past week and a half. I've done laundry, gotten myself food, done a little cleaning, spent time with Greg in the living room, and even gone to a friend's for a visit (and had brownies and ice cream, too, which I didn't expect to enjoy so much- yum, Sarah!) However, these things wear. me. out! I feel pretty accomplished though after doing any one of the above.

I think two reasons I've been able to be a little more active are 1) my sweet mother in law came the other weekend and spent a day cooking lots of different meals and snacks that gave me more energy than ramen noodles could and 2) my nausea decreased, and (until this past Saturday) I hadn't thrown up in about two weeks.

As soon as the misery of nausea and vomiting hit Saturday, I decided I should go ahead and try the rx for Reglan that the Vandy midwives had called in for me a couple weeks earlier. I've really liked the Reglan. It's easier to swallow than Phenergan was, and it hasn't made me gag yet! Little joys. Clearly, it's working for me: only this morning, over 15 hours since my previous dose, have I had any nausea. And lesson learned: if I don't want to throw up, take it as often as prescribed.

Greg wasn't thrilled when I started puking again, but he's been the best husband ever- coming home on his lunch break to make food for me, taking care of Bailey and the apartment on his own, and exchanging my vomit bags for fresh ones as needed. He is a trooper and doesn't even complain about it. I hope for both our sakes that the Reglan continues to work. Although, if it doesn't, the next step will be to get Zofran, which I've heard good things about. Maybe I will finally just move right on past this stage and can be drug-free!! A girl can dream, right? :)

All this time lounging in bed has given me plenty of opportunities to research and look at ba gear. I started a baby registry, which has been fun but which will be kept private for at least another month until we know the baby's sex and have also been to the stores rather than just looking on websites. I've also started thinking about color schemes for the nursery. These are the first combos I've made, but I really like them and have a feeling the nursery will end up being very similar to one or the other. When the time comes, it'll be so much fun to decorate!

First image- girl: blue/gray with maybe a hint of purple, light pink, and white
Second image- boy: blue/gray, mustard yellow, white

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're feeling better! Hopefully it will just get better and better for you... And, yes, Zofran is supposed to be awesome if it comes to that! Keep the posts coming -Megan :)
