Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, February 11, 2013

Today's moment of pure sweetness

First off, I never wrote that post about Mills' new tricks, but recently, she has been getting closer and closer to crawling, getting herself into a sitting position, and pulling up on things. Technically, she can crawl, but she only goes a step or two. She is super close to maneuvering from the lying down position to sitting up but still needs a little help to pull herself completely upright. And if we let her use our hands for support, she likes to pull herself up to stand. She is also SUPER wiggly these days, wanting to see and grab everything and not wanting to miss out on a thing.

Okay, so as I've said, there are dozens of times a day when I want to capture a moment, seizing every detail in my mind, to remember it forever. Most recently, occurring about 10 minutes ago, Mills stole my heart for a thousandth time when I went into her room after she'd been fussing, resisting a nap for the third time today. I picked her up, held her close to me, and started bouncing her softly as she leaned her heavy head against my shoulder. As if that weren't sweet enough, she then whipped her head back to look up at my face, opened her mouth, smiled, and leaned in for a kiss (at this point, whatever she can get in the chin to nose region). She gazed at me in the dark, grinning as I kissed her mouth repeatedly. Then she put her head back against my shoulder and fell asleep. I love that baby girl!