Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

12 weeks of Mills

I wish I'd made a point of posting at least once a week! I have a friend with two babies under 1.5 years old, and she is able to keep up with her blog, so I should be able to with just one, right?

Mills turned 12 weeks old on October 5; I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. It seems like we just brought her home. She has grown from the 9lb baby whose sleepy eyes we rarely got to see to a 15.5 lb chunk whose eyes we still rarely see because she smiles so hugely that her cheeks force them shut :) Just kidding: we see her beautiful baby blues plenty!

She is learning so much every day, and this past month has accomplished the following new tricks: making new noises (lower tones in addition to her high, squeaky coos), sucking her thumb like a big girl (though she doesn't do this as often now as she did a few weeks ago), drooling!! big time, batting at/reaching for/grabbing toys, putting anything she can into her mouth, blowing/spitting bubbles, scooting around in her crib when she's on her belly, and playing with her hands. Her hands have become so fascinating to her. She still doesn't have complete coordination with them, and it's so funny to see her bop and wave them around-- looks like she's dancing. She's also holding her head up much better on her own, bears more weight on her legs for longer periods of time, and does a baby crunch forward when I try to lean her back against my bent up knees. She's a strong little girl! And finally, she laughed her first "real" laugh tonight when I was rubbing lotion on her feet- so sweet! Oh, and she sleeps through the night :) I don't want to jinx it but will post more on her sleep another time.

I've taken weekly photos of Mills thus far; I enjoy doing it but don't know how long it will last. I think it would be amazing, though, to have 52 similar photos documenting Millie's growth throughout the first year, but I'm just going to take it week by week and see how long we go! Here are our girl's first 12 weeks:

1 week:

2 weeks:

3 weeks:

4 weeks:

 5 weeks:

 6 weeks:

7 weeks:

8 weeks:

9 weeks: 

10 weeks:

 11 weeks:

12 weeks: